Tuesday, January 3, 2012

i believe in good people.

An old neighbor, dear friend, and basically my second mother called today. Calling for my own mother who was unavailable, she randomly decided to tell me how beautiful she believes me to be. Being nolle, my eyes were suddenly filled with tears. because sometimes its nice to hear those words that you usually find hard to believe. And although I'm no supermodel she made me feel beautiful. on the inside. While i wasn't having the peachest day in the book, she brought a real and genuine smile to my tired eyes and lifted me up just a little bit. i think heaven sends us angels within all the people we've been blessed to know and he touches our hearts and reminds us who we really are and why we're here. i love the people in my life and my heart might nearly explode with endearment for them and what they give to me every single day.

my name is nolle and i believe in good people.
 because i've been blessed to know so many.
today i am grateful to --

to the little girl who makes me giggle like I'm
 in the second grade again. -- you make life feel
a little bit easier when it feels a little too hard.

to old man that gives me a hug each and every sunday. -- you're smiling face and million wrinkles make me want to grow old and truly experience life. i guess its not all that bad a place to be.

to the boy that gives the best hugs i've ever had and makes me smile when skies are gray. -- you are my happy and i love you dearly even when it seams like i don't, i do.

to the girl that knows my heart and soul very best.
-- you are my example everyday. i want to be like

to one of the greatest friends anyone could ever ask
for. -- you make every hard day better. i would
literally die without you.

to the student in my seminary class that shares every
day without fail-- the words you say touch my heart
and lift my tired head.

to the girl that makes me crazy and tries my every
nerve.--thank you for allowing me to grow and
learn you are teaching me to love unconditionally.

remember. I'm trying my very hardest. baby steps.
yours- nolle.

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