Thursday, December 1, 2011


Being the major creep i am i came upon this little blog Blythe Hill a few months back while "blog stalking." I was instantly delighted after quickly learning of a little thing we like to call Dressember. 

Dressember is a month of dresses. only dresses. with the exception of pajamas and athletic wear only. for thirty one days we get to reclaim, embrace and celebrate our femininity and wear dresses all month long. 
this being back in july i was extremely disappointed due to the fact december was still months away. after patiently waiting for ages, its here! the month i've been anticipating for what has seemed like an eternity.  

The rules of Dressember are simple: wear dresses all month (with the exceptions of pajamas, work out clothes, and if/when your job requires you to wear pants). You're allowed to repeat dresses. Take a picture of yourself in your dress each day, and post the pics to your blog either daily or weekly (or semi-weekly)  This is largely on the honor's system, so no taking multiple pics of yourself on the same day and then prancing around in pants the rest of the month! That would be cheating. Duh. Besides, you'd be missing the spirit of Dressember: reclaiming/embracing/celebrating femininity! And just being fun and not taking life so seriously all the time. 

Make sure to check out the creator of dressembers lovely little blog! ---> Blythe Hill
happy dressember dears!

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