Friday, January 6, 2012

cry. its fearless.

This post, is for all of you out there in need of a good cry. because sometimes slapping on the happy brave face just can't be done any longer and all you really need is to let the tears come. sometimes the only thing you have left to do i fall to the ground, double over and sob until you have literally lost each and every breath you had left inside you. you don't need to be afraid to loose yourself in the tears, let them drain every bit of unhappiness and sadness and hurt from you until you're ready to pick yourself up off the ground and be brave again. sometimes after tossing and turning and not sleeping for nights the most relieving feeling can be tear stained cheeks. to finally just cry and let all those walls come down and sob. cry until you can hardly feel anything at all. cry at school in front of all your peers. in front of your mom. in front of the boy you like. your best friend. in front of your teacher. cry to heaven. and heres an extra breath for all you out there, you don't need to worry because crying does not indicate that you are weak. since birth, it has always been a sign that you are truly alive. 
my struggles and hurt are not caused by monumental events or on goings in my life but that does not exempt the way my heart feels and how i react to overbearing emotions.
its been a rough few days and i've been trying. hard. but putting on my brave face hasn't cut it. so i'm going to let you in on a little secret right here. i let my walls come down. i cried. and not the little "i'm having a tiny melt down" kind of a cry. no heart wrenching sobs. and while many will see  that as week i finally feel stronger than i've felt in months and i'm ready. i suppose the point I'm trying to get across is that I'm a firm believer on good cries. and while many would disagree, i do not see crying as weak. or naive. crying is fearless. "i think allowing yourself to cry on the bathroom floor is fearless, letting go is fearless. then moving on and being alright, thats fearless too." so cry for a day. or two. feel sorry. hurt. and then pick yourself up and remember how blessed you really are. learn to breath and feel and love and be alright again. and then be happy. because things WILL get better.

 yours, nolle.

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