Monday, March 5, 2012

food for thought

There's this thing called the sunday night blues. you know, its sunday night and before you know it, its quiet and lonely and then it just kind of washes over you like a heavy wave. and after a couple hours feeling sorry for yourself and living in that melancholy state of mind you close your eyes and wake up to a monday morning devoid of the sunday night blues. However, on a rare occasion there's that one monday morning when you wake up and the "bad of dirt" feeling isn't gone. its lingering. like the buzzing in your ears after a loud concert. and you feel kinda crummy all day but hey, its okay. it won't last too long. 
generally when this happens, you start counting the things in your life that aren't up to par. the things that are swaying in the wrong direction. the things you're not but wish you were. the things you want but don't have. and you end up grabbing that shovel and start digging yourself a giant hole. a huge hole of unhappiness. and before you know it that hole is deeper than you can even see below. And you get so lost looking down into that abyss of unhappiness that you completely lose sight of what's around you. and above you. 
I have many many more blessings in my life than I do problems. As I began to count them up, the truth of the matter was quite clear; the blessings outweigh the problems about a hundred to one. And while my life is far from perfect and i definitely don't have everything figured out, how can i complain when i have so many things to be grateful for? it is so easy to get caught up in what we don't have rather than remembering what we do have. recognizing how tremendously blessed i am has made me realize that i have no right to complain and i am done feeling sorry for myself. there are far more people i need to worry about. and right now, i've got everything i need. its up to be to be happy. and i choose to be happy. 

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